Saturday, February 16, 2013

Color Theory and Emotional Effects

Questions and Topics for Your Blog Posting:
1.Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
Colors have the effects on emotions in every technical aspect of art, and culture. Humans are attracted to certain colors based off of preference, intensity of the color, and meaning behind a color. Colors can make us feel scared sad alert disgusted to name a few, but the factors that make up color also trigger the human brain to create emotions. The website shows that value, hue, intensity, and even schemes can create emotions with in us and make us feel certain ways.
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
I found the most fascinating aspect of color effects out emotions based on color. I found the website interesting in the fact that it had the stop sign red then green and how we associate green with go and red as stop. I thing the fact that the reds intensity is so high that we associate it with a warning or alert, but in another culture blue could mean stop and red could mean go. I also found the color or food to be interesting what we would find appetizing, I have read never to put food on a black plate because it won’t be appetizing to people.
3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?
I thought it was interesting where she explained how even one color change can effect the entire mood of the painting and then in turn how she feels about the painting. I also liked the process of feelings she described while painting it how she felt like a child and how it made her feel happiness, but then she went on to describe frustration and not in the lines or the work, but of how the colors weren’t flowing correctly. Lastly how she felt the harmony and piece with the work because the colors finally all came together. It’s very interesting how the process of color can make you feel so many emotions.
4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions? 
How colors and art can create people to feel the emotion of reason, and feel perspective. I found this very interesting because for example the video displays religion and culture, and how through different depictions of art the people felt a different perspective on religion. The first kind of art shown is how the wealthy were able to get into heaven these colors and images were bold and loud and made others feel in despair and hopeless. Then during the renaissance the people felt empowered and found a new perspective and the colors displayed are lighter a free.

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