Saturday, February 23, 2013

Art Making/Material Exploration #1: Exploring Value and The Subtractive Color Theory Blog

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
- I thought it was more difficult than it looked both on the video and when actually sitting down to do it. I found it tedious and also you have to really pay attentions to the pressure you are putting on the pencil. I liked doing the color wheel, but I think it was also harder than it looked and I feel my "Magenta" was actually more of a red tone.
2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
I really liked painting. I haven't painted since I was a child and it was a little bit more of a free form, not a tedious as making the value chart. I also found the colors to be very pigmented and it was a new experience because I have never worked with acrylic paints before.
3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
I think its important to show the break down of how things get there color and also how art gets to be darker or lighter. This shows the steps and how and white artist choose there colors and hues.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I learned that the real primary colors are magenta cyan and yellow, which blew my mind because growing up it was always red yellow and blue or any kind. I also found that the graphic works best on vellum paper. which i never knew that the paper could mean the world of difference, which after this project makes sense.

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