Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mod 12 Video Review Questions

1    1.Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.
--       I chose the expression of 50’s and 60’s pop art because I wanted to know more information about these eras.
-       I chose Uncertainty because I thought it was interesting how culture and ideas change because of art and different time periods.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
- One concept I learned was abstract art is usually the feeling of the tile, also that it defies the proper elements of art, it is pure expression, and is meant for the viewer to look at the title then the work and think of it as emotion or memory. I learned from the second movie that art and invoke emotions and cultural changes and this works both ways, that cultural changes can change art, and its hard to predict what the change will be and when.
3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
-I think the videos related to the book because it talks about the major concepts, but goes into more detail and more examples of the types of art. Also it shows you more art and artist of these times.
4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
- I thought the films were interesting, I felt they created a more in-depth look than the book did. I also felt they used more examples to explain that the text did.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Galley Visit

Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit?
-       The Kelly Richardson Legion Exhibit
2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
-       The effects man kind has on the natural world.

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:
1. What type of lighting is used?
-       None. Since it is a media display it creates its own light.
2. What colors are used on the walls?
-White, but since there is no light you can’t really see it.
3. What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?
- Its just a dark empty room with high ceilings and marble floors, and benches
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
- Your eyes go directly to the work, because it’s the only light source and movement in the room.

Step 3: The Artwork
Questions about the artwork:
1. How are the artworks organized?
-       They are organized on projector screens
2. How are the artworks similar?
-       They all have the concept of what man does to the environment, there are no people shown, and the sounds are all from nature.
3. How are the artworks different?
-       One is about outer space, one is swaying neon trees, and the last is about fire falling from the sky into water.
4. How are the artworks framed?
-       They aren’t they flow off the projector screen
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
-       There is a small plack on the wall explaining the work and artist
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
-       They are all in different rooms separated from each other 
4. Answer this question: What did you think of visiting the Gallery and purposefully looking at the exhibition from a different perspective - the physical space, the architecture, theme, etc.?
- Felt it really added to the work. I thought it also made it better that it was the only source of light, and sound in each room.

11. The Erudition 2010 I thought this work was really interesting. I thought the contrast was really intense with the blinding white neon trees against the deathly looking ground. I think this is meaning to symbolize all the pollution we put into the atmosphere, and how the trees should look radioactive. I thought the fact that this work wasn't framed made it really interesting. Also the natural sounds made it very aery.
22. Exile of Shattered Star. I really liked the colors mixed with the element of sound. I thought this added to the meaning behind the work. The balance of the mountains and the water really worked. I think the meaning was that the world was ending and the earth was getting revenge on the people who destroyed it.
33.Mariner 9 I thought this was the scariest of all the works. I really enjoyed that it was so creepy. I felt it was showing the viewer that their were no more people left. The size of this work really impacted the viewer. The color and balance between sound and craters was very real. you felt as though you were the last person alive and looking on the tragedy of the world.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Video Review Module 11

1.     Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I selected the video about Matisse because I was interested in there creative process. I chose dada and surrealism because I was interested in the movements.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
- I found it interesting that Matisse believed drawing and painting were the exact some thing and same process.
I found it interesting that Schwitters made his art in the 1920’s but became popular in the 1950s with the dada movement. I also found it cool that he did not want to be associated with artists, and wanted to create a different world from the old one.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
- These movies related to the text in the sense that they showed similar work but did a more in-depth explanation.-I felt like the second video did a good representation of how dada art was and what was made up during this movement.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
- Thought the videos were interesting and did a more in depth view of people and concepts. I thought it was cool that they showed Matisse actually creating a painting. I thought the second movie showed a lot of good examples and techniques that related to the readings.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mask Project

2. I thought these three masks stood out because they all were inspired by something different. I thought the subject for the first one was interesting because the subject was an animal. I liked that the element symmetry was used. Also the natural use of color. The second one I chose because it looked so fun. I felt it was representing an emotion. I liked the elements of colors and the use of line. I thought the it was interesting in the use of line and how space was used freely. The third one I chose because of the color and the crown. I thought the use of color was dramatic and helped the subject come across as loud and important.
4. Explain how you used the Elements and Principles in your finished mask.
I really liked using color and the element of lots of loud colors and shapes. I also wanted it to be symmetrical. 
5. Share your opinion of your finished mask and what you thought about creating the mask.
I found it interesting but hard to make the 3d element. I decided to cut it to make the jaw detached. I was really into the symmetry of sugar skulls. I also thought the colors were loud and pretty.