Saturday, May 4, 2013

Module 13&14 Movie Review

1.For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
- The first video I learned about what low brow art is based off of many different things from tattooing to porn, and how it’s more of a culture than anything else and that it was formed to spite the snobby art culture.
- The second movie I learned that in the Tate museum and how art is set up there. That is should be set up by movements and the past to the present.
- I found the third movie really interesting because I knew nothing about the laws regarding archeology or any native American burial grounds and how upset that this must of made native Americans feel.
-In the 4th video I found it interesting that it has to go through a series of people to then be placed in the gallery.
2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
- The first movie relates to my project because it talks about how lowbrow is also surrealism, which is basically the theme of my project. Also it gave me for ideas on more artists to use for my project.
-The second movie just made me keep in mind that I should maybe see how during different time periods how surrealism changes.
- The third movie might relate to my project in looking at history around the works I choose and how it might of made people feel or be attached to cultures.
- I think this helps with my project in the sense that what will people think of the works will it actually fit, and I can also choose pieces I like or think tie in with my project.
3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project?
I really liked all the films; I felt that they gave me a better understanding about different types of art and how they were formed. I felt it helped me learn more about how art galleries are set up and why. I thought it was weird that for the 4th video everything went through one man, because my sister did PR for cuartion and she said it has to do with social and economical aspects for where you are choosing the art to go, not just what you find interesting. 

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